
University of Education, Winneba

The University of Education, Wiineba is charged with the responsibility of producing professional educators to spearhead a national vision of education aimed at redirecting Ghana’s effort along the path of rapid economic and social development. Starting from 5,000 students in 2009/2010 the number has risen to 50,000 at the present time. The University is one of the largest universities for teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa and is changing from a campus-university to a more decentralized and distance learning-oriented university. Its internationalization has evolved rapidly in the last few years. The university is changing and evolving very fast and thus has a wide impact on neighbouring countries.

The Winneba Campus is the main campus of the University of Education, Winneba. It has three sub-campuses: the North, Central and South Campuses.The central Administration is currently located at the South Campus.


The University of Education, Winneba strives to be an internationally reputable institution for teacher education and research.
The mission is to train competent professional teachers for all levels of education as well as conduct research disseminate knowledge and contribute to educational policy and development.