International research workshop on „Supply Chain Sustainability”

Flensburg, 15/09/2021: The international research workshop on „Supply Chain Sustainability” took place at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences from August 30 until September 2, 2021.

In these four days, researchers discussed new findings of their recent studies on performance and risks in sustainable supply chains and circular economies. In addition, impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic on international supply networks were part of the fruitful and interesting debate.

The workshop was conducted in a hybrid format. Members of Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and their guests from University of Kassel, Reutlingen University, Westcoast University Heide presented in-person while researchers from universities in Ethiopia and Pakistan gave their talks virtually in video calls. The discussions were continued and personal networks were strengthened during an excursion to Flensburg Firth and social events in the evening.

The workshop was financially supported by the projects “Sustainable Textile Supply Chains in Ethiopia and Germany” and “Exploring Focal Firm‘s Performance Features in BoP Supply Chain Management – Taking the Case of Pakistan” which are both funded by German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD).