Intercultual Training by Sanjay Korteweg from Namibia

Intercultual Training by Sanjay Korteweg from Namibia

Flensburg, 22/10/2015: This week we had the pleasure to have Mr. Sanjay Korteweg from Namibia as a guest lecturer at the Centre for Business and Technology in Africa. He sh22:10:2015 Sanjay Kortewegared insights on how to get started with actually doing business in Africa. Intercultural aspects and business etiquette as well as practical advice are addressed in several courses. To “exploit” his expertise to the maximum,we also asked him to share these highly interesting insights in a public lecture that took place this afternoon.

The event proved once again that the idea of sending German and welcoming African experts is essential. Our students as well as the guests at the public lecture visibly enjoyed the presentations – learning in definitely not a one way street from Europe to Africa but also vice versa.