Courage on more pragmatism

Düsseldorf, 31/01/2022: The Handelsblatt has published a guest article by Stefan Liebing and Gabriel Felbermayr on the topic of value-based and interest-driven international economic policy. Both authors concur that Germany urgently needs to reposition itself between multilateral trade agreements with free competition on the one hand and state-led trade with conditions and barriers on the other.

Representatives of a “values-based” and an “interest-driven” international economic policy seem to be blocking each other these days. Instead, Liebing and Felbermayer recommend a third way, which lies in the middle of the two extremes. For many actual or even only perceived conflict issues can be mitigated with pragmatism, also to the advantage of our companies.

According to Liebing and Felbermayer, it is also important that companies become more political and politicians think more concretely in economic projects. Then, a German international economic policy will emerge that could also shape the European Union.
