Economic policy contribution: Perspectives for a future-oriented German foreign economic policy

Flensburg/Kiel, 05/2021: Gabriel Felbermayr, Stefan Liebing and Bodo Liesenfeld published a policy brief for the Kiel institute for the world economy (IfW) about the future German foreign economic policy.

After the end of the acute phase of the Corona crisis, German foreign trade should again contribute strongly to the economic upswing; however, the framework conditions have changed. From the authors’ point of view, a new strategy is needed. German foreign trade promotion, like that of other countries, must be oriented towards the strategic interests of the Federal Republic and not towards rules of origin that are often out of touch with reality. This requires an effective dovetailing of development policy and foreign policy instruments with those of foreign economic policy, both within Germany and at the European level. In times of growing political uncertainty, the legalisation of economic relations through trade agreements at the bi-, pluri- and multilateral levels is of central importance.

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