Hamburg, 26/05/2023: For a two-day excursion, the students of the Master degree course “African New Markets” traveled to Berlin and Hamburg. The aim of the event is to meet high-ranking decision-makers such as politicians, ministry officers and boardlevel business leaders and to get into a personal exchange with them.
On the second day of the excursion, the students of the Master degree course “African New Markets” went from Berlin to Hamburg. There, at Euler Hermes a meeting with Dr. Philipp H. Laass, Senior Advisor Financial Institutions and Felix Brücher, Head of Department was on the agenda. The students had some very productive and interesting hours. From job opportunities to the country cover policies of Benin and Ruanda Euler a wide range of different aspects was covered and enhanced the knowledge of our students.
After the two-hour meeting, the group went to the last item on the agenda of the two-day excursion. They visited Dr. Elisabeth Schoppmann, Project Manager of HPC Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH and got insights in the logistics concepts of business in Africa.