Welcome to {Coder for C#}
{Coder for C#} is a simple development environment for people, who want to learn programming.
It includes a library of graphical commands to make it easy and fun. The concept comes from Processing.org, a great development environment for programming visual elements.
{Coder for C#} uses the programming language C# (pronounced CSharp), which is easy to learn and is used for simple as well as complex programs.
Exclusion of all warranties:
The software is used "as is".
You bear the risk associated with its use. The author makes no express warranties or guarantees.
{Coder for C#} is chiefly developed by
Sönke Cordts from the University of Applied Sciences in Flensburg. {Coder for C#} uses the concepts of Processing (Java) and P5.JS (JavaScript porting) in the CoderLearn.Sketch library. Some examples are adaptions of the examples from this sites. The reference has been created by Lennart Berns, Mats Ramsl, Florian Surberg, Tom von Wendorff.
Source code
The source code is available under GitHub:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License